


VTAdmin is a modern replacement for the vtctld2 web UI, which allows users to manage multiple Vitess clusters from a single API and web UI.

For more information, refer to the README and the original RFC.


A miscellaneous collection of io-related utilities that aren’t in the Go standard library.


A small utility to generate Go structs with sqlx tags from MySQL CREATE TABLE statements.


A feature flag library in Go, backed by a gRPC service to allow config modification at runtime.


A golangci-lint linter to catch places where you add flags on the global flagset in non-main packages.

This can cause issues in library code where importing packages can add flags to your binary, and also prevent you from defining flags with the same name.


A small protoc compiler plugin that adds custom json.Marshaler implementations to your protobuf message types to use jsonpb.Marshaler under the hood.

The primary motivation for doing this is to have enums marshaled to their string values, rather than integers, which is the behavior of the standard encoding/json marshaler.

Meepers Creepers 

MIPS assembly emulation in MatLab.

Written as a final project for an introduction to MatLab course I took in college. For additional fun, it runs yams, an HTTP server written in MIPS assembly that some friends and I wrote for a computer architecture course.